Work Hard, Play Harder: IDOTYOU’s Parties for Partners and Clients

30 May 2024

At IDOTYOU, we always stand by the concept of working hard and playing harder. While we’re dedicated to delivering top-notch results for our clients, we also believe in fostering meaningful connections beyond the boardroom.

The importance of parties in the workplace goes beyond just having a good time; they’re key to building a strong and effective work environment. When we gather for parties at work, it’s like hitting the pause button on our usual routines. It creates a relaxed space where colleagues can mingle and unwind without the weight of work looming over them.

“PLAY is an important part of WORK too.” Dorothy Fong, CEO.

Throughout the year, we host a series of parties to celebrate special occasions with our partners and clients. These events provide an opportunity to strengthen connections and create lasting memories. In this article, we shine the spotlight on a few of our past events.

IDOTYOU Christmas Party 2023

Our 300 Yen Bar has always been the go-to venue for our partners and clients to come together, celebrate, and enjoy each other's company. At the end of 2023, we hosted our annual Christmas celebration. The highlights of the party included four performance organised for our clients to judge. Following that, we had a Secret Santa gift exchange, where laughter filled the air as colleagues exchanged presents. And lastly, we had a note exchange, where every member of the team wrote heartfelt messages of appreciation to each other.

“I always look forward to our year-end Christmas party because we get to celebrate all the hard work we put in for the year and also to have fun with my colleagues.” - Sheralyn, Head of Copy and Social Media. 

IDOTYOU x IPC Chinese New Year Party 2024

We welcomed the arrival of 2024 in the company of one of our favourite clients from IPC Shopping Centre, extending an invitation for a joyous gathering to commemorate Chinese New Year. It was also their first time visiting us at the office, so we threw them a spectacular feast. Amidst the festive atmosphere and warm pleasantries, we transitioned into a spirited game of beer pong (with a twist), igniting an atmosphere of friendly competition.

IDOTYOU Buka Puasa Party 2024

Additionally, we organised our first ever Buka Puasa event, bringing together the partners of IDOTYOU to share in a festive feast. The ambiance at the 300 Yen Bar was filled with the enticing aromas of traditional delicacies and vibrant drinks, ready to be savoured and enjoyed by all. 

“It was truly a memorable experience for me. Never have I imagined that even though I am the only Malay here, everyone was very understanding and celebrated other religion’s festives.” - Najmi, Media & Performance Executive.

As we reminisce on the cherished moments created during these occasions, it becomes apparent that the opportunity to unwind over a drink is pivotal in fostering lasting connections and friendships within our bustling industry.